World Wide Web Consortium Celebrates 25 Years of the Web [Live] - Show Notes

World Wide Web Consortium Celebrates 25 Years of the Web [Live]

Monday Jan 27, 2014 (00:06:41)


It's hard to believe it's been 25 years since Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first standards for what would become the World Wide Web. In the time since March 12, 1989 the rules have changed a little and the industry has changed a lot.

The W3C is now in charge of the standards that are supposed to be followed on the Web, despite their incapability to enforce those standards. In the next 25 years, as music, healthcare, media content and more go online, the W3C expects to be involved in more of the world. As more software moves to native apps, however, the Web itself is on its way out.

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Live segment by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic.

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