Mobile Help: The Panic Button Enhanced [Live] - Show Notes

Mobile Help: The Panic Button Enhanced [Live]

Monday Jan 27, 2014 (00:07:31)


We've all seen the "I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial, and gag, enough times to know what it is about. We've probably also all thought, "What if she had been knocked unconscious?" The answer, of course, is that she would have just laid there and no one would have known.

That is why Mobile Help is here to change the panic alert. Instead of just hitting a button when you need help, this pendant uses sensors to know if the wearer has fallen and can alert EMTs to the location of the incident.

In addition, this pendant is cellular-enabled and had a GPS tracker included, which means it will work just about anywhere you might go. This is a nice change from the ones that are tethered to your home phone.

The complete system is available now for $40 per month.

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Live segment by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Daniel J. Lewis of The Audacity to Podcast.

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