DataWind displayed a new product that was a little surprising to all of us: the Ubislate. This new Android-powered tablet runs a Cortex A7 dual-core processor, runs Android Jellybean and comes complete with a 7" screen, Wi-Fi, micro SD slot and 3 hour battery.
Oh, and the product line starts at only $37.99. Now, of course with that price comes a few oddities. For example, the device offers mini USB, as opposed to the industry standard micro USB. This means none of your current cords will have any value on this device. Also, the screen's resolution is on 800x480, which is significantly lower than standard. In addition, the camera is a 0.3MP sensor, which is lower than the cameras found on the cheapest non-smartphone prepaid devices.
Now, this is not to say this device doesn't have a market. For example, there is definitely a place for a device like this in retail displays, in payment systems or point of sales systems where none of the bonuses are relevant.
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