Hearing Aids with Smartphone Integration from Siemens - Show Notes

Hearing Aids with Smartphone Integration from Siemens

Wednesday Jan 22, 2014 (00:05:42)


Siemens showed off their MiniTek hearing aids, which are Bluetooth enabled and able to connect wirelessly to your smartphone. In addition to the obvious features you would expect from any Bluetooth things in your ear, the ability to make calls and listen to music, these hearing aids add some unique capabilities.

Rather than fiddling with a remote in your pocket or dials and buttons on the sides of the hearing aids, you have the ability to adjust the settings right from your phone. Now, instead of looking like a lunatic poking at your ear or pointing a remote at it, you can just look like you are checking your phone like everyone else.

The MiniTek is available now through your local hearing professional.

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Interview by Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic.


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