Tablo: Innovator Picks 2014 Honoree [Live] - Show Notes

Tablo: Innovator Picks 2014 Honoree [Live]

Tuesday Jan 21, 2014 (00:05:20)


On the final day of coverage this year, TPN staff members awarded their favorite innovators the first Innovator Picks awards. Todd Cochrane's pick lives in the world of digital broadcast: Tablo. This product allows you to record your local over-the-air broadcasts and watch those DVR videos on your smartphone, tablet or computer anytime, anywhere.

This product is the next step in the cord-cutting generation; allowing people who have ditched cable to still watch broadcast television on their time wherever they want. In addition to watching on the go, you can also use devices like Roku or chromecast to watch on any television in your home.

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Live segment by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and [tpndaniellewisjamiedavis" class="UpStreamLink">.

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