Hipsters Rejoice with the Chug Plug Battery! - Show Notes

Hipsters Rejoice with the Chug Plug Battery!

Monday Jan 20, 2014 (00:03:11)


No more feeling like you've wasted your time writing that screenplay at that popular coffee shop.

The Chug Plug from Lenmar is the first of its kind. It's an external battery pack for the MacBook that plugs into the brick portion of the laptop power adapter that comes with the computer. It adds about four hours of battery life. You don't need any extra cables, you just charge it with your Mac laptop's charger.

Lenmar is working on producing a larger model to cover the 15-inch and 17-inch MacBook Pro. Currently, the Chug Plug is only available for the 13-inch MacBook Pro and all models of the MacBook Air. Lenmar has released that the Chug Plug will be available for purchase in March for about $159.

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Interview by Chris Davis of Health Tech Weekly.


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