Chevy Brings the App Market to the Car - Show Notes

Chevy Brings the App Market to the Car

Monday Jan 20, 2014 (00:07:37)


Ford wasn't the only one to show us some new car love. Chevy also showed off some of their new additions to their vehicle lines. Their two new, exciting features are the in-vehicle hotspot and App Shop.

First, we all want easy Internet access in the car. Whether we are just looking to stream music or a group of people are traveling together and want to play games, Internet in the car would be nice. Chevy's OnStar system has added just that capability, adding a phone number and Wi-Fi access to your vehicle.

That Internet access is going to come in handy, too, because Chevy has also added an App catalog to their vehicles, named App Shop. Launching with 12 available apps, such as Pandora and Priceline, the available API will allow app developers to bring their creations to your car.

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Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine.


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