Vuzik's M100 Smart Glass Wearable - Show Notes

Vuzik's M100 Smart Glass Wearable

Friday Jan 17, 2014 (00:06:17)


Obviously, this year had a lot of wearable technology and our resident wearable expert, Jeffrey Powers, spoke to Vuzik about the M100. Jeffrey, who is a regular wearer of Google Glass, has an interesting take on the technology.

The M100 is geared more towards industrial use, with the ability to snap onto an existing pair of glasses or safety goggles, allowing the wearer to maintain protection or standard visibility. The Android-powered device allows for tracking of events, managing of calendars, scanning products, taking photos and videos and much more.

While designed for industrial or commercial use, these are not the only uses for the M100. Healthcare, retail, etc. all have potential with this portable computer, as well as the same limited personal uses that Google Glass offers.

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Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine.


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