United Healthcare Educates the Whole Community Through New Online Programs - Show Notes

United Healthcare Educates the Whole Community Through New Online Programs

Wednesday Jan 15, 2014 (00:04:06)


The Digital Health Pavilion at International CES was so large that we spent almost an entire day covering all things health-tech. United Healthcare had a booth and Tom Paul spoke with us at CES about how the company is looking to connect with its customers in today's digital age.

Now more than ever, patients want more information about their health and want to be educated on treatments and healthy lifestyles. They also want to be able to see their insurance information online and have it readily available. United Healthcare is working in several spaces to bring more connectivity between patients, their health and their life choices. The company is promoting healtheir living through community involvement and have even teamed up with the popular dance-step game Dance, Dance, Revolution to introduce games and contests in schools to bring more education to the younger generation.

United Healthcare introduced "My Easy Book," which is a new program allowing customers to find healthcare providers, schedule appointments, pay fees and more, all online. The organization is also looking to bring more information and education to those with diabetes, by creating a program solely focused on the disease. These new programs will be available to both members and non-members, which truly shows the committment from United Healthcare to better the community as a whole.

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Interview by Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic.


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