Obesity a Big Target for InBody Systems from Biospace - Show Notes

Obesity a Big Target for InBody Systems from Biospace

Tuesday Jan 7, 2014 (00:05:59)


Chris Montera visited the InBody booth at CES 2014 to learn more about a company that is looking to help decrease obesity in the industrialized world. One way InBody does that is through monitoring your body, defining problems to fix, and then setting targeted goals to fix them.

InBody systems from BioSpace give a person access to a bunch of information that could help improve their lifestyle and health. Using an 8-point tactile electrode method, the InBody system determines your body makeup and is already FDA approved to be used in the US. InBody says its system is extremely accurate and can return high-quality results that can really turnaround your life, improve your body fat and increase your wellness.

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Interview by Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic.


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