For a long time now cyclists, at least serious ones, have mounted mini computers on their handlebars. The devices provide information on time, distance, average speed and even elevation and temperature. Now iBike is bringing us the ability to do all of this with our iPhone and eliminate that second device.
The iBike Powerhouse provides a weather-proof case for your iPhone that can be easily mounted on your bike's handlebars and the accompanying app provides all of the data you are used to getting from a traditional cycling computer plus a whole lot of additional information such as a heart rate, training plans and more.
The product and app are the creation of real cyclists and coaches, so the information provided by the app is what even professional riders want and need to know. Check out the interview below with the iBike representative, who has a side job coaching Olympic and professional riders, to get more information on the iBike Powerhouse, along with pricing and availability. You can also visit iBikeSports to check everything out.
Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.
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