WiFi Compatible Sony Bloggie Live with Live Streaming from Qik - Show Notes

WiFi Compatible Sony Bloggie Live with Live Streaming from Qik

Saturday Jan 28, 2012 (00:08:31)


Monday, 9 am, Todd Cochrane and Jeffrey Powers head to Ceasar's Palace and the Sony Lifestyle store to talk about the newest version of the Sony Bloggie - The Bloggie Live.

The Bloggie Live itself is an update of last year's Bloggie Touch. With a big touchpanel and 1080p video (at 30fps), you can do video and stills on the camera with the 12 MP still image capture and 1080p /30 and 720p/60i. You can also do video and stills at the same time (but not while streaming).

We keep the Bloggie very simple and easy to use. The large red button remains, your power button and photo button are the other two. It is fully PC and Mac compatible.

The fun comes in after you shoot. You can live stream into Qik (which needs to be set up ahead of time). People on Qik can send messages - you cannot respond, but you can see that information on the screen.

Play Memories Mobile Lets You Tether Your Bloggie

With a cellular signal, download the Play Memories Mobile (for iPhone or Android) and you can use your phone as a hot spot for your photos or video.

The Bloggie Live is available on January 10th for $249.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine for the TechPodcast Network.

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