Fisher Price Kid-Tough DVR - Show Notes

Fisher Price Kid-Tough DVR

Saturday Jan 28, 2012 (00:04:34)


Leave it to Fisher Price maker of great toys for kids and the kids in all of us to make a DVR that is kid-friendly. That is what they were showing at CES 2012 the Kid-Tough DVR.

The Kid-Tough DVR is made for 3 to 5-year-olds. It is rugged and easy to use. There is a touch screen kids can use to scan through the available videos. When they are ready to play a video just tap on the screen and it will start playing. They can also fast forward or rewind through a video. To record a video you just place the DVR into its dock which sits between your cable box and the TV, set the record time, and hit record.

The Kid-Tough DVR will be available around June-July. It will be approximately $150 and include the DVR, headphones, docking station, a car charger, and a case. If you have a small child and take a lot of car trips this is worth a look

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.

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