Zagg HZO - Waterproofing for Electronics - Show Notes

Zagg HZO - Waterproofing for Electronics

Saturday Jan 28, 2012 (00:04:58)


Zagg's protective films are popular "first purchases" for new smartphone owners and at CES 2012, Zagg shows off their latest protection mechanism. Todd chats to Bill from Zagg to find out what it protects against.

The adage is that water and electricity don't mix, and by extension, water and mobile devices don't mix well either. Zagg hopes to change that with a new nanotech-based coating, HZO, that repels water so effectively that a dunk in the drink will have no effect on the device.

The HZO coating is applied during the manufacturing process so that every component is properly treated and waterproofed. There's no physical skin or cover as the water-repellency is at the molecular level. Almost any device can be waterproofed - smartphones, tablets, MP3 players, headphones, but it has to be done during manufacture, not by the end-user.

Zagg is currently in negotiation with major OEMs so expect water-repellent devices to hit the market in 12-18 months and if you want to see an iPhone working underwater, then watch the video.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central for the TechPodcast Network.

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