Nutricco takes the guesswork out of nutritional supplements @ CES 2020 - Show Notes

Nutricco takes the guesswork out of nutritional supplements @ CES 2020

Sunday Mar 22, 2020 (00:08:42)


Pirogovsky, CEO of Nutricco, joined us at CES 2020 to share his solution for simple tools to help people with decision making about healthy diets, taking the guesswork of the nutritional supplement game.

There are 40,000 food tracking apps available, says, Pirogovsky, and while people download them, they don't really follow the recommendations they provide. Nutricco seeks to overcome that challenge by providing a way for subscribers to get the nutrients they need through a personalized mix of supplements relevant to where they are when they need it, and the amount they need at that time.

Nutricco has a three-part system that includes an app that guides and tracks your diet, an algorithm that provides personalized recommendations for the user's diet, and a dispensary that provides a personalized mix of supplements for the program subscriber.

Currently, says Pirogovsky, the supplement market is driven by budget. About 50% of the U.S. population uses supplements, he says - about 160 million daily users - with 30% of consumers - 55 million people - using three or more supplements daily. Most people don't understand what they're using or why, but rather make decisions on supplement use based on advertising. The problem isn't the supplement, he says, but getting the right supplement at the right time, when you need it.

Nutricco's subscription, with runs $399 per dispensing device and then $50 per month, includes the app, the supplements and the service for their device, a smart dispenser and a supplement supplier that assures clients an auto-renewable supply of essential daily nutrients. Nutricco's Smart Dispensing Machine holds up to 10 different types of dietary supplements stored in original bottles, providing the world's first all-in-one compliant and adherent connected home nutrient dispenser The app takes into consideration lifestyle and dietary habits. It balances nutritional supplement intake with appropriate times for supplements so that they don't interfere with one another on intake.

For more information on Nutrocco, check out their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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