One of the most popular New Year's Resolutions is to lose weight. People start out with good intentions, but many quit after about four weeks because they cannot see any changes happening. ShapeScale is a 3D body scanning scale that can point out the small changes that you cannot see simply by looking at yourself in a mirror.
Todd visited the ShapeScale booth at CES 2018 and spoke with Martin, who explained how ShapeScale works. Get on the scale, and it will take a full 3D scan of your body in less than 40 seconds. It creates a photo realistic 3D avatar of you. The avatar syncs to your iPhone or Android smartphone via the ShapeScale app. Look at your 3D avatar to see the small changes to your body that have been happening over time.
ShapeScale uses color coding to convey information. It colors portions of your 3D avatar blue to show where body fat loss has taken place. It colors part of your avatar red to show where muscle gain has happened. The app can show you other health and fitness measurements including circumference measurements, body weight, height, body fat, and lean mass.
ShapeScale is set to start shipping later this year. It will retail at $499. However, if you head to their website now, you can preorder your very own ShapeScale for $349.
Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.
This episode was originally published on Geek News Central.