Thermal Imaging for the Masses from Flir One - Show Notes

Thermal Imaging for the Masses from Flir One

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 (00:04:55)


You don't have to enlist in the military or fly a police helicopter to make use of infrared thermal imaging. FLIR Systems produces an add-on for iOS and Android devices that will make you see red. Infrared that is.

Thermal imaging has been used by military, law enforcement and the private industrial sector for years, but just 20 years ago a thermal vision camera was as big as toaster and cost more than 10 times as much as they do today.

FLIR Systems is debuting their next gen sensor which will be released later this year. They haven't decided on a price point yet, but the previous generation sold for $249.

Interview by Marlo Anderson of The Tech Ranch for the Tech Podcast Network.

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