We keep hearing that driverless cars are 5-10 years away, but how is the technology that powers these vehicles being developed and, more importantly, by whom? Companies like Valeo are at the forefront of this wave with their innovative man-machine technology.
The company has 3 parts to their tech philosophy: he autonomous car, saving drivers time to do other tasks, and the man-machine interface. While the initial concept might be a little Sci-Fi for most people, Valeo believes that once the technology is in the market, people will enjoy the ability to do other things while transportation happens for them.
As for safety, Valeo VP Guillaume Devauchelle says that automated vehicles are safer than human drivers because they do not become distracted by their immediate or extended surroundings. This leaves the computer free to focus on driving.
Interview by Jamie Davis, The Podmedic for the Tech Podcast Network.
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