iSwimband Helps Keep Kids Safe Around Water - Show Notes

iSwimband Helps Keep Kids Safe Around Water

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 (00:03:55)


One of the leading causes of death in young children is drowning. Because of this, iSwimband has arrived to help parents and guardians know when kids might be in danger. The device clips to a child's goggles or swimsuit and sends alerts when something is wrong.

The alerts can be customized depending on the age of the child and their swimming capabilities. For a younger child, you can have the device alert as soon as it comes into contact with any water at all. For older children, or kids that are good swimmers, you can have it wait up to 60 seconds before alerting.

The product is available now for $79.99.

Interview by Jamie Davis, The Podmedic for the Tech Podcast Network.

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