Ford's Solar-Powered Energi C-Max Project - Show Notes

Ford's Solar-Powered Energi C-Max Project

Monday Jan 20, 2014 (00:04:00)


In addition to the 2015 Ford Mustang, Ford also showed off a new and exciting hybrid: the Energi C-Max. This plug-in hybrid can be powered 3 ways: wall-power, gasoline and solar power.

Yes, you read that right: this car can be charged partially from the solar panels on its roof. The panels, which are high efficiency Monocrystalline cells, can even charge the vehicle on overcast days, meaning you get even more time without gasoline. With an additional lens, the efficiency can even be increased.

This concept vehicle is, obviously, not yet available for the public, but I hope we will see it, or something built off of the concept, on the roads sooner than later.

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Interview by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine.


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