DialogueTrainer's avatars teach corporate communication @ CES 2021 - Show Notes

DialogueTrainer's avatars teach corporate communication @ CES 2021

Friday Feb 5, 2021 (00:09:46)


At CES 2021, Todd Cochrane interviewed Michiel Hulsbergen, CEO of DialogueTrainer, a professional development company that teaches better corporate communications skills through virtual simulations.

Based out of The Netherlands, DialogueTrainer has been developing interactive online educational scenarios since 2013. Built on a solid scientific foundation, DialogueTrainer's online platform was co-developed with Utrecht University. Their innovative conversation simulations allow users to practice tricky conversational situations online with virtual training actors. Virtual avatars provide the basis of the DialogueTrainer approach, followed by in classroom exercises. They believe this blended approach to training is what is needed to penetrate the difficulty inherent to some of these tough professional conversations.

Communication is the most important soft skill needed to improve services and increase job satisfaction. Companies that provide professional development training to their employees notice an increase in retention. Employees stick around longer because they are being enriched. People are interested in working for a company they can grow with. Classes on professional communication can help build confidence, improve efficiency and re-energize your staff.

All types of businesses can benefit from this training. DialogueTrainer has interactive online communication training in the following subjects:

*Customer Relations (Telephone sales, Sales conversations, Negotiating, Dealing with complaints, Consultative selling)

*Collaborative Working and Team Building (Giving feedback, Motivating, Coaching, Addressing certain behaviors)

*Leadership and Management (Inspiring, Coaching, Development interview, Giving bad news, Delegation, Communication)

DialogueTrainer provides conversation simulations and learning environments to help build professional communication skills. When working with DialogueTrainer, first they connect with you to determine which situation your company's simulation should focus on, what the agreed upon best-practices will be, and the learning objectives of your team. Then they develop interactive online scenarios in which difficult discussions from the workplace can be practiced with virtual training actors. You experience virtual situations that are recognizable and realistic.

For the best interactive training on how to have difficult professional conversations, contact the company.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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