Shortcut Labs Magic Button, Flic - Show Notes

Shortcut Labs Magic Button, Flic

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 (00:05:21)


Sometimes a product is so catchy that more than one team checks it out. While Nicholas DiMeo checked out Shortcut Labs Flic button, so did Chris Davis.

The Flic is a wearable magic button. It allows you to control aspects of your phone without ever having to take it out of your pocket. You can use it to control Spotify, get directions to your house or even a custom macro. A single button cell battery can last up to 60,000 clicks, which could be over 15 years at 10 clicks per day.

The Flic is available for preorder now for $99 for 5 buttons.

Interview by Chris Davis of Health Tech Weekly for the Tech Podcast Network.

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