JamStik Makes Learning the Guitar Easy and Portable [Live] - Show Notes

JamStik Makes Learning the Guitar Easy and Portable [Live]

Saturday Jan 10, 2015 (00:10:46)


Playing a great guitar is always the goal, but how do you get there? You can take lessons from a professional, but not everyone can afford that, or not everyone has access to training.

Luckily, JamStik is here to help, with a 16" lightweight guitar neck. It's able to connect wirelessly to an Apple device and give you guitar lessons through their JamTutor app. Once you have learned to play, you can continue using the device as a MIDI controller.

The device works by using infrared to detect your hands' position in real time. It scans the fretboard to detect where your fingers are long before you ever get close to a string. The JamStik is available now for $299.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Todd Aune of The Elder Divide for the Tech Podcast Network.

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